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what must an entrepreneur do after creating a business plan

Understanding the Business Plan

What is a Business Plan?

A business plan is a fundamental tool for any entrepreneur. It’s a comprehensive document that outlines your business goals, strategies for achieving them, potential problems you might encounter along the way, and how to solve them. It’s like a roadmap to your success, guiding you at every turn.

Why is a Business Plan Important?

A business plan is a critical tool for clear communication, not just within the business but also with potential investors and stakeholders. It aligns the management team toward achieving the same goals and helps you to anticipate bumps in the road, making it an essential element in business planning and control.

Actions Post-Business Plan Creation

Reviewing the Business Plan

A Reviewing is what must an entrepreneur do after creating a business plan.

Spot the Weaknesses

Don’t let your business plan gather dust on a shelf. Instead, view it as a living document, something to be regularly reviewed and tweaked. The first step after creating your business plan is to thoroughly review it to identify potential weaknesses or areas that lack detail.

Validate the Assumptions

Your business plan is built on assumptions – about your target market, competitors, pricing strategy, and more. Validate these assumptions as much as you can to ensure your plan is grounded in reality.

Implementing the Business Plan

Set Realistic Goals

Your business plan is your roadmap, but you’re the one driving it. As you set out, ensure your goals are realistic and achievable. Too ambitious and you risk demotivating yourself; too low and you may not push hard enough.

Building Your Team

Surrounding yourself with the right team is crucial. Your business plan may look great on paper, but you need a team that can execute it effectively.

Measure and Adapt

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Your business plan should include measurable goals, which can be translated into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Regularly tracking these KPIs will help you determine if you are on the right path.

The Art of Pivoting

Pivoting means making fundamental changes to your business strategy in response to market feedback. It’s not about abandoning your business plan but rather adjusting it in response to real-world experience.

Maintaining Long-Term Success

Continuous Learning and Improvement

The market never stops changing, and neither should your business. Continuous learning and improvement should be part of your long-term strategy. Stay updated on industry trends, customer preferences, and new technologies.

Networking and Building Relationships

Networking isn’t just about finding new customers or investors. It’s about learning from others, identifying best practices, and forming partnerships that can help your business grow.


Crafting a detailed business plan is just the first step on your entrepreneurial journey. What follows after — reviewing the plan, implementing it, measuring success, adapting, and continuously learning — is what will determine the success of your venture. Remember, a good entrepreneur doesn’t just plan for success; they make it happen!


  1. What should I do after creating a business plan? After creating a business plan, an entrepreneur should review it, implement the strategies outlined, measure the success, and adapt as necessary.
  2. How often should I review my business plan? Business plans should be viewed as a living document, to be reviewed and adjusted regularly based on business performance and market conditions.
  3. What does pivoting mean in a business context? Pivoting involves making strategic shifts in your business model or strategy in response to market feedback or unanticipated circumstances.
  4. Why is networking important for my business? Networking allows you to learn from others, identify best practices, and build relationships that can benefit your business in the long run.
  5. How can I ensure my business plan is realistic? By validating your assumptions, setting measurable goals, and regularly reviewing your progress, you can ensure your business plan is realistic.
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