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LinkedIn Top Demographics Important to Social Media Marketers

LinkedIn Demographics

LinkedIn is the largest social platform serving business professionals directly. It doesn’t matter if you want to share great content for your brand, are looking for talent, or reach a new audience. It is a powerful platform. Understanding your LinkedIn demographics will help you understand who your audience is and create a compelling message for them.

Read on to find the most important LinkedIn demographics. You can use it to narrow your targeting efforts and increase your social impact.

  1. LinkedIn General Demographics
  2. LinkedIn Age Demographics
  3. LinkedIn Gender Demographics
  4. LinkedIn Location Demographics
  5. Linkedin Income Demographics
  6. LinkedIn Education Demographics

LinkedIn General Demographics

LinkedIn was started in 2002 to help business professionals network and connect. Since then, it has grown into an internet hub where a variety of brands, companies and professionals can connect, find talent and share ideas.

Here are some key numbers to keep in mind, depending on your situation.

Another very important thing to note is how LinkedIn users are accessing your site. 57% of LinkedIn users access the site using a mobile device. That number is really low compared to Facebook (88%) or YouTube (70%), but it’s still important for marketers to make sure their content (eg links, forms, videos) is optimized for mobile.

LinkedIn Age Demographics

Given LinkedIn’s goal of connecting business professionals, it’s no surprise that platform users tend to be older. In fact, US Internet users over the age of 35 are more likely to use the platform than younger users.

Here’s an age breakdown of US internet users using LinkedIn (source):

  • 15-25 years old: 16%
  • 26-35 years old: 27%
  • 36-45 years old: 34%
  • Ages 46-55: 37%
  • 56 and older: 29%

Note: LinkedIn is most popular with older users, and users 46-55 years old use the site the most. This is not surprising given that the average age of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies is 58.

However, millennials are rapidly increasing their presence on LinkedIn. It is also a major market due to its high purchasing power and early career. Globally, 25-34 year olds are the largest cohort of LinkedIn’s advertising audience.

It’s also worth noting that there’s still a few years left before Gen Zers become a target on LinkedIn. So put away all Fortnite memes and TikTok lip sync videos (at least for now).

LinkedIn Gender Demographics

As for gender, American men and women are equally represented on the platform. 25% of U.S. men and women say they use LinkedIn.

Globally, it’s a different story. Considering all LinkedIn users worldwide, 57% of users are male and 43% of users are female.

LinkedIn Location Demographics

LinkedIn users live in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. About 70% of our users are located outside the United States.

However, more than 167 million LinkedIn users live in the United States, followed by India, China and Brazil with the largest number of other countries. The UK and France took fourth and fifth places respectively. When targeting LinkedIn members, consider the vast size, reach, and diversity of our global workforce.

What does this mean for you? When targeting LinkedIn users, consider the sheer size, scope, and diversity of its global workforce. As well as America.

A closer look at US users reveals that they live primarily in urban areas. Here is a full breakdown of US adults living and using LinkedIn.

  • Urban: 30%
  • Suburbs: 27%
  • Rural: 13%

This is not surprising given that LinkedIn is geared towards business professionals who tend to work closer to the city centre.

LinkedIn Income Demographics

Most LinkedIn US users make more than $75,000, and that’s just a few.

Remember: LinkedIn includes executives, CEOs, and key corporate founders of Fortune 500 companies. In fact, 45% of LinkedIn users are in senior management positions. This means that the people you can target on LinkedIn can have great revenue potential.

This is good news for brands targeting high-value customers.

It’s one of the reasons 58% of B2B marketers prefer LinkedIn ads over other social groups. Another reason could be that 80% of B2B leads generated on social media come from LinkedIn.

Here’s a full breakdown of US users’ income earnings.

  • <$30,000: 13%
  • $30,000-$49,999: 20%
  • $50,000-$74,999: 24%
  • $75,000 or more: 45%

LinkedIn Education Demographics

More than 46 million students and recent college graduates use LinkedIn. They are the fastest growing demographic for networking sites.

50% of Americans with college degrees use LinkedIn, while only 9% of members with a high school diploma or less.

This makes sense. LinkedIn is a great place to network and find work. People graduating from higher education are most likely to start their careers using LinkedIn.

  • High School and Below: 9%
  • Some universities: 22%
  • University, etc.: 50%

Recognizing how different groups are using LinkedIn is key to your marketing strategy. Knowing your audience and how they use social media can help you understand their needs much better and find ways to address their grievances. By understanding your customers on LinkedIn, you can customize your business model.

Now that you know more about your potential LinkedIn audience than ever before, use Moyens I/O to schedule posts and manage LinkedIn awareness to take your marketing strategy to the next level.

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