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How Color Affects Mood


Color can affect mood. According to color therapy, orange not only boosts energy levels, but also increases blood flow to the brain, which aids in intellectual activity.

Have you ever heard that color can affect your mood? A lot of people don’t really care much about color when choosing clothes, but in fact, color can affect your mood.

When we look at an object, a wave of reflected light passes through the cornea and stimulates retinal cells. When a cell is stimulated by light, it transmits a message through the optic nerve.

The brain images the messages it receives, but these images can be interpreted in the light of experience or related to past experiences.

Through this process, we can see a world full of colors and images that convey a variety of emotions. Let’s take a closer look at how color affects mood.

How Color Affects Mood

1. Red

Red is the color with the longest wavelength in the light spectrum. Because it is an eye- catching color, it is used in various traffic signs around the world.

In Spain in the 18th century , red and yellow were chosen as the colors of the flag so that ships on the sea could recognize the flag at once from a distance and not be mistaken for another flag.

Some argue that red can promote strong physical and emotional responses. Red can attract people’s attention and convey a feeling of passion and energy.

According to a study on color emotions, which analyzes color perception according to the response color evoked and its relationship to fashion consumption, 55% of people associate red with excitement.

2. Yellow

Yellow is the most difficult color for the human eye and brain to read, so having too much yellow in a particular space can cause nausea or headaches.

Some claim that the color yellow helps intellectual activity and can increase muscle energy, but there is no scientific data to support this.

Yellow is a color that can increase concentration, so many notebooks used when studying contain yellow. It also conveys a sense of cheerfulness and optimism, so it catches people’s attention.

3. Blue

Blue is a color that conveys a sense of calm, comfort and professionalism. In fact , blue has a relaxing effect, so many people decorate their rooms with blue.

On the other hand, if you feel blue as a cold and apathetic color, it can provoke feelings of sadness. Physiologically, exposure to blue has been shown to decrease metabolism and cause pulse and respiration rates to fall below normal.

4. Green: How Color Affects Mood

Green, a neutral color in the light spectrum, is a color often used in hospitals because it creates a caring and healthy atmosphere. Green is closely related to nature and is the most easily recognized color by the eye.

It also has a relaxing effect, so it is often seen in the waiting room for performances. Green conveys confidence, peace, security and control.

5. Orange

In color therapy, orange is the color used to improve lung function and increase energy levels. Physiologically, orange has been observed to increase blood flow to the brain and increase intellectual activity.

6. Brown

Nourishing brown is a color that leaves strong evolutionary memories in the brain. This color is associated with warmth, and comfort, and helps you feel at peace and gain confidence.

7. White, the purest color

White is the most frequently used color in the medical community because it conveys a clean, germ-free feeling. Also , since it is a color related to neatness or innocence, it can be used when you want to leave a good impression such as kindness or hope in interviews and meetings.

If you want to gain more trust from people, it is better to wear white clothes .

Finish, the effect of color on mood

Not only can color be used as a color therapy for oneself, but it can also influence the behavior and attitude of others. Please refer to this information when choosing clothes or shopping in the future!

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